New.Net is an add-on program that has been distributed by KaZaA, Go!Zilla,
Babylon, Cydoor, Gdivx, and WebShots in the past. Its purpose is to
enable computers to access the website names and email addresses that
are has launched. Examples of these domain names are:
shop .xxx .club .ltd
.inc .travel .tech .sport
.family .law .med .mp3
Although Newdotnet does not claim to be spyware, it has been associated
with computer instability in certain situations. Both SaveNow and NewDotNet
have been linked for computer instability according to the
MS Knowledge Base Article 302463.
How to Remove New.Net?
New.Net can be easily removed following
these instructions:
1) From the Windows Start button select Settings and
then Control Panel.
2) When the Control Panel window opens, double-click on the Add/Remove
Programs icon.
3) When the Add/Remove Programs Properties window opens, locate New.Net
in the list of installed programs. Select it and then click on the Add/Remove
4) Follow the on screen instructions.
Remove other programs: