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How I pick my investments:
Last updated: 1/30/2025
My portfolio is generally composed of about 65 dividend stocks of which about 1/3 are energy (mostly pipelines which do well in any environment), about 1/3 are real estate (mostly REITS which do better when interest rates are low or falling), and 1/3 are financial (mostly BDC's which do better when interest rates are rising or high). I never try to predict the direction or change in interest rates, the Federal Reserve, unemployment, or any econimic or poolitical indicator. Warren and Charley Munger never did and they became the most successful investors in history.
My intent is that the overall portfolio generates 8% in dividends and between 3% and 4% in annual appreciation.
When it comes to investments in bitcoin, gold, or any stocks with low dividends or "penny stock" characteristics:
I follow Rida Morwas Rule of 42, (Keep your portfolio to 42 OR MORE holdings and trim any holding of 3% back to 2.5%) and also Ridas Rule of 25, (live on 75% of your dividends and reinvest 25%).
As long as the analysis of any given stock has not changed (i.e. the business, balance sheet, and dividend coverage are good, and the CEO and CFO have not resigned due to any legal issues), it does not matter if a given stock is up or down when it comes time to trim. (But all things being equal, down stocks are often on sale and so opportunities to buy more unless already at 2 1/2 percent.)
I NEVER use the "stop loss" option when purchasing stock. During the era, I experienced mulitple "stop-loss" sales when a particular stock ran into some bad news and subsequently missed out on the subsequent recovery. Instead, the "Rule of 42" protects me even if a holding goes to zero (like Enron, MCI, the original and Lehman Brothers).
I initially identify most potential investments by daily reading of articles and posts from a "core" team of analysts on Seeking
I then read posts and articles from a "second tier" of analysts, both for supporting and opposing views.
In the end, it is my responsibility to judge whose analysis both makes the most sense to me and also fits my own risk profile.
In my publicly posted portfolio, I credit the analyst whose analysis made so much sense that I made the purchase.
Weekly reading: My Seeking Alpha "core" Analysts whose analysis triggers me to research further:
BDC Buzz
Brad Thomas (iREIT+Hoya)
High Dividend Opportunities (Rida Morwa)
High Yield Investor (Sam Smith)
High Yield Landlord (Jussi Askola, Austin Rogers, R. Paul Drake)
Leo Nelissen
Roberts Berzins
Samuel Smith
The Dividend Collectuh
* Source of the majority of my investments.
Seeking Alpha Analysts I read mostly for supporting or opposing views on recommendations by my "core" analysts:
ADS Analytics
Bram de Haas
Cappuccino Finance
Cestrian Capital Research
Damon Judd
Dane Bowler, Ross Bowler
David Ksir
Dividend and Value Investor
Dividend Sensei
Double Dividend Stocks
Erik Conley
Financially Free Investor
Guido Persichino
Justin Law
KD Research
Logan Kane
Quad 7 Capital
Steven Cress, Quant Team
The Value Portfolio
Wise Bull
Wolf Report
Yuval Rotem
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Just as important as Seeking Alpha articles: